Rabu, 04 April 2018



Reasons why you might want to participate in FreeZone’s ICO

The lack of favourable ecosystem and infrastructure for conducting business in the blockchain sphere and the overall uncertainty regarding cryptocurrency market regulations have forced investors, entrepreneurs, developers, and blockchain business founders across the globe into a state of scepticism about the possible market progress of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

In the light of this abrupt scepticism among both consumers and stakeholders of blockchain products, FreezeZone, the world’s first Free Crypto Economic Zone is set to function within an existing state, creating unique conditions for blockchain and the realization of crypto projects through the protection of investors’ interest using legal precedents; the availability of infrastructure for blockchain project development; the assurance of business transparency; the provision of support for blockchain business from local regulatory agencies; the implementation of a 0% VAT and income tax for blockchain businesses, and the legitimization of the free flow of cryptocurrencies and holding ICO.

Freezone is a new ecosystem for blockchain business, that is Free economic zones created primarily for blockchain-based businesses and cryptocurrency operations, which are exempt from income tax and tax on cryptocurrency transactions.
It has a financial infrastructure consisting of five businesses, the infrastructure of five major companies: the universal trading platform (UTP), payment systems, banks, investment banks, and marketing agencies, all of which will work with both cryptocurrency and fiat.

A blockchain community. Part of FreeZone’s own profits will be allocated to developing programs for this community with libertarian ideals. We plan to provide services for free or at cost, including: 

  • education;
  • assistance in obtaining citizenship;
  • asset protection via blockchain technology;
  • legal assistance, human rights protection; and much more.
Moreover, we plan to create business opportunities for community members. This unique blend of corporation and community will ensure a perfect synergy, with each one helping the other grow.

FreeZone System 

We are establishing 5 enterprises that will operate with both fiat money and cryptocurrencies. All financial services can be utilized within FreeZone framework. A single-window system in action.
  • Universal trading platform
  • Fiat crypto bank
  • Crypto investment bank
  • Fiat crypto payment system
  • Marketing agency
Part of FreeZone profits will go to finance the community. We will provide social services to our members for free or at cost price.
  • We sincerely understand the social responsibilities of businesses.
  • This will make our world better and more comfortable.
  • With the FreeZone, business and the blockchain, the community will have synergy, which can only accelerate the development of all three parts of the project.

FreeZone Token Details
Do you know, The total amount of the tokens to be issued is 1 billion. 500 millionn tokens it will be sold during the ICO, whilst 200 million. tokens are to be held by FreeZone Corp. and will be used to support the ecosystem, bounty-program, and project promotion, as well as for the secondary placement. 300 million. 
Tokens will be gradually transferred into the possession of the project’s founders. The first 100 million tokens will become their property 12 months after the ICO. Subsequently, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months after the ICO is finished, 50 million tokens for each 6 month period will be transferred into their possession. 
The issuance of FreeZone tokens takes place only once and amounts to 1 billion tokens. No further tokens will be issued. No less than 50% of FreeZone Corp. net profit will be divided among FreeZone token holders. The services provided by FreeZone can be paid for with tokens. 

Token Sale Information
Token Name : FreeZone
Token Symbol : FRZ
Toke Type : ERC20
Token Price : 0.2$
Start Date : March, 2018
Target investments : 100 000 000 USD
Amount of tokens issued : 1 000 000 000
Amount of tokens to be sold : 500 000 000
Minimum contribution amount : 0.1 BTC, 0.5ETH, 0.3BCH, 3LTC, €500, $600, ₤500, ₣600, 65000¥
Accepted : BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC and fiat payments ($, €, ₤, ₣, ¥)
In spite of the above mentioned individual or corporate benefits available to all participating member in FreeZone community and ICO, countries chosen to become the home of the FCEZ are set to enjoy an overwhelming influx of direct foreign investments, job creation and growth of gross domestic product (GDP), improve reputation of the county of being a progressive state that support new technologies and raising the general wellbeing of the population as well as increasing the quality of life of citizens of those state.
It is now evident that the benefits of FreeZone covers and its aimed at fulfilling the desired vision of creating unique condition for blockchain and the realization of crypto projects to enhance the effective running of business in the blockchain market. With the expected rise in value of the FreeZone token to 80-fold by 2020, there is no need to reluct in your decision to participate in FreeZone ICO and enjoy all the above mentioned benefits. Join FreeZone ICO today and provide your support to a worthy cause. Walter Tonetto Technopreneur and ASEAN expert


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