Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

Pengembangan Ekosistem Micro Bitcoin - (#MicroBitcoin #opensource #blockchain #hardfork)

Mikro Bitcoin (MBC) adalah : sebuah platform yang terdesentralisasi peer-to-peer (P2P) pembayaran peron.
Platform ini menjadi Sebuah alat pembayaran koin, dibuat (bercabang dua), maka dari itu Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain, dan micro bitcoinPlatform ini dirancang untuk menjadi alat pembayaran yang cepat, fleksibel dan diterima. Proses bifurkasi (bercabang dua) memungkinkan Anda mempertahankan penggunaan Buku Besar terdistribusi, sambil tetap memberikan fleksibilitas yang diperlukan untuk melakukan transaksi di tingkat mikro, tanpa rintangan biaya mahal dan konfirmasi lambat.

Kami percaya bahwa Micro Bitcoin akan menjadi pelengkap yang bermanfaat untuk blockchain Bitcoin dan dengan demikian crypto-domain. Itu tidak dirancang untuk menggantikan Bitcoin, tetapi untuk menciptakan variasi yang dapat melengkapi Bitcoin dan mengandalkannya landasan yang kuat untuk mendukung tujuan tertentu dalam komunitas cryptomedical. Kata kunci: Micro-Bitcoin, MBC, peer-to-peer, open source, terdesentralisasi.

Microbitcoin adalah koin hasil hardfork bitcoin 24 mei 2018.
Bitcoin dan cryptocurrency lainnya mulai melihat peningkatan minat sejak awal 2016, sekitar dua tahun setelah terjadi jatuhnya beasiswa Mt.Gox menyebabkan kepanikan bagi investor di pasar. Dan pada tahun 2017 terlihat harga Bitcoin naik dari sekitar $ 800 ke puncak pada hampir $ 20.000 . Gerakan ini menyebabkan peningkatan drastis dalam pembelian Bitcoin, aktivitas bisnis Bitcoin, serta operasi yang berkaitan dengan orang lain altcoin.

Pengguna sekarang pada dasarnya menawar transaksi Anda diprioritaskan untuk diproses. penawaran ini meningkatkan biaya pemrosesan transaksi ke tingkat di mana perusahaan yang beroperasi pada tingkat ekonomi mikro akan merasa tidak berguna menerima pembayaran dengan Bitcoin. Hardfork bitcoin Pada tahun 2017 menghasilkan bitcoin Cash(BCH), bitcoin Gold(BTG), Bitcoin Diamond(BCD). Dan pada tahun 2018 hasil hardfork bitcoin adalah Microbitcoin (MBC) dan otomatis akan launching di exchanger - exchanger besar seperti @OKEx_ @binance @kucoincom @bitfinex @BittrexExchange dan masih banyak lagi.

Visi kami adalah menciptakan cryptocurrency yang memberikan penghargaan tinggi untuk semua pengguna, tetapi tetap hidup setelah fase POS tinggi dan terus meningkat sepanjang waktu. Kita benar-benar percaya bahwa koin pos-tinggi dapat memiliki masa depan dan bahwa mereka tidak terkutuk mati segera setelah pos tinggi berakhir.

Tujuan kami:
- Menciptakan komunitas yang kuat dan bertanggung jawab.
- Membuat koin pos-tinggi dengan masa depan yang jelas
- Untuk mencapai semua visi kami sebagaimana diatur dalam peta jalan
- Untuk menciptakan lingkungan untuk mendukung cryptocurrency dan hindari masa depan
- Untuk membuatnya open source dan terdesentralisasi untuk adopsi yang tersebar luas
- Pengguna dapat sepenuhnya anonim dan tidak perlu membagikannya
  identitas untuk transaksi mereka atau memegang MicroBitcoin.

Misi kami adalah untuk mendorong penerapan cryptocurrency pada skala global dengan menciptakan aplikasi intuitif, mudah digunakan yang cocok untuk penggunaan skala luas untuk berkembang dan berkembang. Kami mengharapkan adopsi massal dalam 3 tahun ke depan. Fokus kami saat ini adalah untuk memecahkan krisis sistem pembayaran yang mahal dan terpusat melalui komunitas kami dengan memungkinkan penggunaan maksimum kasus untuk menggerakkan uang digital. Jaringan Micro Bitcoin memungkinkan pengguna untuk membangun sistem jaringan pembayaran mereka sendiri yang kuat dan anonim di atas teknologi sumber terbuka dan skalabel kami untuk menciptakan kekuatan sistem terdesentralisasi bagi para pengguna.

Micro Bitcoin bertujuan untuk menjadi cryptocurrency yang berfokus pada pengguna yang paling mudah digunakan dan terukur di dunia. Jaringan Micro Bitcoin memiliki fitur konfirmasi transaksi instan, perlindungan pembelanjaan ganda, anonimitas yang setara dengan uang fisik, model self-governing, self-funding yang didorong oleh teknologi Blockchain open source, publik, skalabel dan kuat yang merupakan implementasi sempurna untuk suatu uang digital terdesentralisasi untuk menggerakkan kas digital. Di Micro Bitcoin kami bertujuan untuk memperkuat jaringan global pembayaran yang sedang tumbuh dengan roadmap yang jelas untuk mencapai keterpaparan dan kekuatan jaringan pembayaran.

- Desentralisasi
Micro bitcoin mendesentralisasikan penambangan dengan mengadopsi algoritma POW & POS yang membuatnya mudah untuk menambang di komputer normal, yang membuatnya lebih sulit bagi seseorang untuk membeli daya penambangan dalam jumlah besar.
- Transparansi
Micro bitcoin adalah proyek open source yang dibangun oleh pengembang dan didukung oleh komunitas penggemar yang berkembang pesat yang membentang di seluruh dunia dan memberdayakan jaringan untuk mendukung pembayaran digital yang terus meningkat
- Kecepatan
Micro Bitcoin didukung oleh teknologi Blockchain yang terukur dan maju untuk memungkinkan pembayaran instan dan penyelesaian dengan teknologi luar biasa untuk mendapatkan keunggulan atas mata uang kripto lainnya.
- Biaya
Didukung oleh teknologi Blockchain peer-to-peer dan advance Micro bitcoin memungkinkan transaksi untuk pembayaran biaya mendekati nol kepada siapa pun di dunia. Bitcoin mikro adalah solusi untuk uang digital generasi berikutnya.
- Pribadi
Micro Bitcoin memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan perdagangan secara anonim di jaringan untuk mempertahankan privasi transaksi mereka dengan teknologi bertenaga Blockchain untuk mendukung pertumbuhan jaringan uang digital
- Scalable
Micro Bitcoin dikembangkan dengan visi jangka panjang untuk mendukung transaksi tanpa kemacetan di jaringan dengan teknologi scaling yang didukung oleh algoritmanya sendiri untuk menjalankan jaringan dengan biaya yang efisien dan rendah tidak seperti Bitcoin.

Micro Bitcoin adalah cryptocurrency terdesentralisasi, yang berarti uang digital aman menggunakan teknologi Blockchain yang paling skalabel dan maju untuk memberdayakan sistem pembayaran generasi berikutnya. Micro Bitcoin adalah sumber terbuka dan dapat diakses oleh semua orang. Jaringan pembayaran Micro Bitcoin didukung jaringan peer-to-peer terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan pembayaran biaya instan, nyaris nol ke siapa pun di dunia. Micro Bitcoin memiliki waktu konfirmasi transaksi yang lebih cepat dan algoritma yang lebih baik dan dukungan industri yang besar, volume perdagangan dan likuiditas, Bitcoin Mikro didukung untuk menjadi media perdagangan yang terbukti melengkapi Bitcoin.

Informasi Koin dan Distribusi Spesifikasi Umum MicroBitcoin :
-Algorithm: Scrypt 
-Type: PoW/PoS 
-Coin Name: MicroBitcoin 
-Coin Abbreviation: MBC
-Coin Supply: 25200000 
-MBC Premine: 1260000 
-MBC Address -letter: M RPC 
-Port: 33014
-P2P port: 33013
-PoS percentage: 10% per year
-Block reward: 57 coins 
-Coinbase maturity: 20 blocks 
-Target spacing: 64 seconds 
-Target timespan: 1 block 
-Transaction confirmations: 6 blocks

Total Supply : 2,50,00,000.00 MBC
Pre Sale ICO : 2,50,000.00 MBC
ICO Sale : 10,00,000.00 MBC
Units : 8 Digits
Payment Accepted : Bitcoin
Minimal Investment : $10

Dana yang dibangkitkan di BTC akan disimpan dalam dompet multisig dan dikelola masyarakat. Tujuan komunitas adalah untuk melakukan dan mendukung pengembangan ekosistem Micro Bitcoin (termasuk protokol, aplikasi dan proses pembayaran) dan membangun kemitraan dengan industri untuk memungkinkan adopsi teknologi.

- 50% - Pengembangan Sistem 
- 25% - Pemasaran, Pengembangan Bisnis 
- 12% - Penelitian 
- 10% - Operasi & Hukum 
- 2% - Komunitas 
- 1% - Pendidikan Teknologi Terdesentralisasi & P2P.

Kami tahu kami akan menerima pukulan di sini untuk ini, tetapi kami yakin itu masih layak untuk itu kami dan investor kami untuk melakukannya. Kami percaya bahwa individu memiliki hak untuk itu
melakukan bisnis tanpa persetujuan di dunia crypto jadi kami tidak memberikan identitas kami kepada Publik Umum untuk menghindari perhatian negatif terhadap diri kita sendiri atau keluarga kita. Pajak adalah implikasi lainnya, kita akan jatuh di bawah yurisdiksi beberapa Negara pengembang kami sebagai apa yang bisa dianggap sebagai "Pemilik Bisnis", oleh karena itu kami memilih untuk menggunakan hak privasi kami. Itu mungkin mengambil beberapa biaya untuk pra / pasca peluncuran, maka jadilah itu, kami lebih suka keluar dari kantong daripada di Penjara atas tuduhan "Beroperasi sebagai lembaga keuangan tanpa lisensi "dll.

Alasan lain kami tidak memberikan identitas kami kepada Publik Umum, sebagai benar percaya pada crypto kami percaya bahwa individu memiliki hak untuk melakukan bisnis tanpa persetujuan siapa pun sehingga kami tidak ingin perhatian negatif terhadap diri kita sendiri atau keluarga kita. MicroBitcoin tidak terkait dengan penipuan atau skema investasi apa pun. Itu sedang terjadi dirancang dan dikembangkan untuk menjadi cryptocurrency untuk hari esok dan mudah dan mode termurah untuk bertransaksi bagi orang-orang yang tidak beruntung yang tidak memiliki bank rekening. Ini sedang dirancang untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari komunitas untuk bermigrasi diri dari transaksi mata uang terpusat dan bermuatan besar metode.

Tim penciptaan koin kami telah berkecimpung dalam bisnis ini selama bertahun-tahun. Kami telah menghabiskan sejumlah besar waktu dan uang kita sendiri menyempurnakan situs kami, baik di depan dan back end dan antarmuka pengguna kami untuk memastikan kami menyediakan Anda dengan bekerja, mudah digunakan produk berkelanjutan yang akan berada di sini untuk jangka panjang. Kita lebih dari menyadari penipuan, BS, dan kemungkinan percobaan serangan di situs kami. Tim Pengembang kami untuk MicroBitcoin adalah profesional di bidangnya dan telah berada di industri selama bertahun-tahun, jadi kami tahu bagaimana mengatasi ini dan masih menyediakan produk yang berfungsi untuk klien kami.

Tim MicroBitcoin telah membuat visi dan jalur untuk masa depan yang jelas untuk mendukung jaringan dan pengguna yang berpartisipasi dalam komunitas.Kami telah merencanakan dan membuat peta jalan kami dengan sebagai berikut :

Februari 2017 - Peluncuran Ide
Maret 2017 - Implementasi & Pengembangan direncanakan
April 2017 - Kerangka Pasar direncanakan
Juni 2017 - Tim Inti Strategis dengan tim Eksekutif
Augustus 2017 - Tim Pengembangan Inti memulai pengembangan
Desember 2017 - Blockchain diimplementasikan pada livenet
Januari 2018 - Pra ICO dimulai
Februari 2018 - Pemasaran dan PR
Februari 2018 - Tes bersih dilaksanakan
Februari 2018 - Peluncuran Wallet
Juni 2018 - Pendaftaran di Exchange
Mei 2019 - Kasus penggunaan Dukungan dan Kemitraan
Desember 2019 - Integrasi dengan Penyedia Dompet Hardware terkemuka
Januari 2020 - Peluncuran Kartu Debit

#MicroBitcoin #opensource #blockchain #hardfork

Penulis : wasilahdn

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018

DESTREAM – The First Decentralized Global Financial Ecosystem For Streamers

The Blockchain is a rapidly growing technology that is engulfing every possible business domain. Therefore, many reports published have predicted a huge rise in the Blockchain market. According to reports, the Blockchain market is expected to extend to over 20 billion dollars by 2024. It is counted in one of the most promising new technologies that are hoped to change the future of businesses and the internet.
Basically the rise of cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations. One such firm at the forefront of blockchain innovation is DESTREAM
You may be contemplating on the crypto coin that will be best for your investment. You might have even found yourself investing in one of these Cryptos but you did not gain your profit as you expected because, some developers, after hitting their target and making a huge sum of money, dropped the project, and left investors in the middle of no where. All hopes are not gone. Lets start a new page in you new or next journey to investment for profitable earnings. I will be introducing you to DESTREAM which has developed a decentralized global platform for streaming market that will allow to maximise the productivity of streamers.
The DeStream platform was created as an infrastructure project that would simplify the process of creating content, interacting with viewers and financial transactions and it will become an integral part of the market. The aim of the DeStream platform is to make the lives of streamers, viewers, and business easier with the help of the new innovative global ecosystem. The platform is even transforming this segment of the economy and taking it to a new stage of development. The possibilities of DeStream are endless. DeStream is an ecosystem that provides enormous opportunities for integration of streaming platforms, their development, and the extension of their functionality, which can almost completely provide the day-to-day professional needs of the streamer, including quick profit. To further summarize this, the DeStream platform is a superstructure over existing streaming services, adding new interactivity with viewers and a financial tool for donating and paying for services inside the ecosystem.
DeStream was conceived as a global system for the streaming market using the DST token. Destream has the following qualities – Scalability; High-speed transaction processing; Flexible support of smart-contracts and oracles; Safety; High availability. The utility of the DST token will be in these areas – for donations; To pay the platform Commission for executing transactions; buy digital goods; a reward from advertisers; To purchase goods in authorized affiliate shops; To gain access to big data analytics; To pay for the services of the platform (marketing, making the streams more attractive, etc.); and To perform internal P2P operations. The platform will actively support young and forward-looking Streamers. All streamers, regardless of the kind of activities, will benefit from the use of the platform. The platform will implement a range of tools for the interaction of the streamer with his viewers, developed with the help of professional streamers, visionaries, and psychologists. Streamers will be able to perform various activities to maintain viewers’ interest and increase funds.
The main goal of the DeStream project is to build a decentralized global platform for streaming markets that will enable to maximize ribbon productivity, diversify their activities and secure start-up capital.
They are building an innovative platform that will become an ecosystem for streamers. The use of blockchain technology will allow to reduce transaction costs by more than doubling. Due to decentralization, they will exclude payment systems from the process and reduce much transaction costs. As such, they will improve the quality of the content and the streamer will be allowed to focus on the creation, not the operational activities
The many problems creators in the streaming industry are exactly what DeStream seeks to address with its platform. DeStream intends to create a hub which would allow the donors to continue paying in any format convenient – meaning currency, payment system and jurisdiction, while streamers receive all the proceeds in a unified format (internal DST tokens) on a unified wallet, same for all platforms the streamer operated and all transaction he or she receives;
Consolidated accrued funds are free to be withdrawn into fiat, sold for other crypto currency, or spent for goods and services available from DeStream partner.
HIGH INTEREST RATES ON DONATIONS: We ensure fixed 0,77% commissions per transaction. The blockchain based DeStream platform will take at least 13 times lower donation commissions.
LACK OF INSTRUMENTS FOR CONVENIENT DONATIONS: By using our smart contract constructors, users will be able to configure and launch myriads of controllable challenges with clearly distributable rewards and penalties.
FUNDS CONSOLIDATION COMPLEXITIES: All users of DeStream will need only one wallet and one token (DST) for all transactions.
NON-EFFICIENT ADVERTISING BUDGETS ALLOCATION: Advertisers will be able to make data-driven decisions on ads placements, as the DeStream ecosystem will include an analytical interface based on users’ Big Data.
PAYMENT INSECURITY AND CHARGEBACKS: DeStream will launch internal smart contracts to serve as a warranty of clear contractual relationships between viewers, streamers and advertisers.
We will deploy an internal marketplace for streamers and viewers so they can purchase goods and services more conveniently.
The project ‘s ideology presented in 2 or maybe 3 phrases can be as follows: DeStream intends to produce a hub which would allow the donors to keep spending in any format convenient — meaning currency, payment system and jurisdiction, while streamers receive all of the proceeds in a unified format (internal DST tokens) on a unified wallet, same for those platforms the streamer operated and all transaction he or perhaps she receives;
Consolidated accrued funds are actually no cost to be withdrawn into fiat, sold for other cryptocurrency, or even spent for goods and services offered from DeStream partners; DeStream names digital goods, food and consumer electronics as a result, and I cannot resist this urge and picture several gamers’ existence becoming completely self-sufficient in the DeStream platform: tokens to pay for downloading music and movies, cola and pizza along with a brand new video card. Not much need adding: rent and communal services, along with a little number of home stuff as toilet paper);
Donors will be presented with a number of ways to aggregate funds distribution channels: in a single move, a set of streamers might be paid selected by traffic, audience and cost criteria. This may be helpful for advertising specialists that place packet orders in gaming.
Artificial intelligence, which is the basis of Destream, has justified itself and provided its users with the opportunity to work on several tasks at once through patented algorithms. Designers meet the latest requirements in the field of advertising and are constantly updated by the creators.
Work on the platform is carried out through a multicurrency wallet, where both cryptocurrencies and fiat money are accepted as payment and exchanged at a favorable rate into DST platform tokens.
Destream platform is also beneficial for advertisers. With its help, an advertiser will be able to analyze the profitability of advertising, the effectiveness of its content and the level of return from its placement.
The platform is developed with the use of smart contracts and guarantees the transparency of all transactions, the security of their performance and a low commission.
Destream platform token is used to purchase digital goods and services between a customer and a streamer, and to pay for additional functions on the platform.
DeStream platform guarantees a fixed transaction fee of 0.77% of a transaction amount. To date, no payment service is working under these conditions.
Symbol: DST
Platform: Ethereum (for ICO), Stratis (for the platform)
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion)
Private round until July 15th
Stratis Crowdsale July 15th – August 1st
Crowdsale August 1st – September 30th
Soft cap $5,500,000
Hard cap at $12,000,000
Target cap aimed at $9,000,000
Token price: 1DST = $0.006
Max supply: 6,000,000,000 DST
Hard Cap: $12 million
Token Sale Timeline
Some of the benefits DST Tokens offers include;
To purchase any goods in the affiliate shops
To gain access to Big Data analytics
To pay for ecosystem services
To perform internal P2P operations
To make a donation
To buy digital goods and services
Get rewards from advertisers.


Author : patungan

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018



Hasil gambar untuk blogger destream 

About Destream.

hello guys, here i will explain a little about destream. DeStream wants to build an innovative platform that will become an ecosystem for streamers. The use of blockchain technology will allow to reduce transaction costs by more than doubling. Due to decentralization, Destream will exclude payment systems from the process and reduce much transaction costs. Thus, Destream will improve the quality of content and streamers will be allowed to focus on making, not operational activities.

Currently, Commission fees on the streaming platform can reach up to 10%. DeStream set a goal to reduce it to 0.77%, thus increasing the revenue streamer. One gateway to adopting any cryptocurrency will make it possible to simplify the conversion of any available currency. There will be uniform rules of Deposit and withdrawal of funds, regardless of currency or input method, with the same Commission. The platform will not set any limits.

The goal of the project is to make life easier for streamers, viewers and businesses through an innovative new global ecosystem. In fact, DeStream changed this economic segment and brought it to a new stage of development. The possibilities are endless. DeStream will be able to increase new stars in various fields with the help of the platform, because the main problem of talented people is the lack of money for promotion.

Launching the system in the presence of smart contracts will enable viewers to ensure that Donuts will achieve their goals, and orders, accompanied by Donuts, will be met by streamers, if the service is provided to them in the service catalog. In turn, smart contracts will focus on the service catalog, which is embedded within the blockchain. Thanks to this, Destream will achieve process transparency, when the target action expected by the viewer and proposed by the streamer can not be double treated and will become. In turn, smart contracts will focus on cataloging services in blockchain. Therefore, we will achieve process transparency, when the targeted action, expected by the viewer and offered by the tape, can not have multiple interpretations and is guaranteed to be done.

There will be uniform rules for making deposits and withdrawals with the same commission, regardless of currency or how to make deposits. The platform will not set any restrictions.
  • High interest rates on payments.
  • You need to support multiple payment gateways to have maximum effect.
  • Many different rules and limitations.
  • Insecurity of payment.
  • The complexity of funds consolidation.
  • Struggle against chargeback.
  • No clear contractual relationship between viewers and streamers (streamer service does not always reach customers).
  • There is no single tool for designing your own mechanism.
  • It's almost impossible for ribbons not above to get orders from advertisers.
For viewers, this is a service that can take it to new levels of communication and interaction with the ribbon, to advertisers - effective ad channels with powerful analytics tools. In simple words, DeStream is the superstructure of existing streaming services, adding new interactivity with viewers and financial tools to contribute and pay for services within the ecosystem.

DeStream NOT building another site for streaming, DeStream DO NOT want to compare with Twitch or Youtube. Our project is a financial ecosystem, an instrument next to a streaming site, which will simplify the life of the tape, will save commissions and will be a convenient means for mutual settlement and interactive with viewers on existing sites.

Token Sale

Token Sale a total of DST Token  will be relased, of which 3.600.000.000 DST will the offered for sale.
Token: DST
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 6,000,000,000 DST
Price: 1DST= $0.006
Payment: ETH
Soft cap: 5,500,000 USD
Hard cap: 12,000,000 USD

1 - 2nd quarter of 2018
Development of concepts
design Development of mobile application development concept Development
platform prototype
Starting from the development of the portal
1 - 2 quarters of 2018
Finalization of consensus for blockchain
Pre-mine cryptography token
Tokensale distribution of the cryptographic token corresponds to the Tokensale result
3rd quarter -4 2018
Running an alpha version of
Platform integration in platform payments to public blockchain
Early OBS fork development for DeStream service integration
Integrated payment gateway
Development portal DeStream Portal
Streamers release
3 -4 quarters of 2018
Development of mechanics based on centralized solutions
Development of voting based on blockchain version
mobile app integration with
XSplit Cloud overlay storage
1 - 2nd quarter of 2019
Open Beta
Holding of the Annual Deestream Fest
Testing mechanics on smart contract
Beta version of
release of the Marketplace Overlay constructor
1 - 2nd quarter of 2019
Release your own OBS module
The first release of the mobile app
Market development for digital assets
Modules for holding chalenges
Developing Portals for Advertisers
3 - 4th quarter 2019
Designing intelligent mechanisms for streamers
Development of a personal subscription
Ability to create a service catalog
Market Release for products
Transfer all the mechanics to a smart contract
3 - 4th quarter 2019
A complete constructor of smart contracts
Release Portal for Advertisers
Great analytics data for advertisers
Integration with service providers
1 - 2nd quarter of 2020
Support the development of the VR platform
The first annual conference, DeStream Fest


Samir Mekhtiev
Founder and CEO In 2003, he joined the mobile operator "MegaFon" as a support specialist in 2005, I was appointed as project Manager, supervised the transfer of the branch of "MegaFon" of the Service Desk into a more functional platform for the management of it Service Manager.

Tachat Igityan
The founder and CFO is One of the 50 most influential people in the web development market according to Tagline Agency.

Alexey Khvostenko
The founder and technical Director - More than 20 years of experience in software development, acts as an architect in many projects - has Developed a management system for the factory line - which is used by MSTU.

Eldwin Wong
Asian BD Director - Eldvin Wong, founder EMVertex with the main business in the field of corporate consulting, investment banking and brokerage operations, as well as chief operating officer and chief financial officer one of the leading companies of online games in Southeast Asia.

Marc Bell
Business development Director-Marc has impressive international experience in business development, strategic partnerships and management of startups in various industries.

Dmitry Zorkin
Director of community relations-Dmitry is a co-owner of WARP gaming chair and founder of Gamecatcher, show agency, PageTop projects. 

Veronica Galaska
Ecom Partnership adviser - since 2000 is engaged in ecommerce market development — More than 15 years of experience in leadership positions in the largest e-commerce companies in the Russian market.

Denis Chetverikov
BP Operations Adviser-Expert in the field of building business processes, programmer.

Pavel Shinkarenko
Legal Advisor - since 2006, he has been conducting legal practice in the field of Internet law.

Rick Dong.
Director of strategic planning at YJM Games-11 years of experience as an investment banker and Fund Manager on wall street

Author : patungan