Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

platform inscoin

Insurance is one of the oldest industries, and can be seen as representing part of the growth of the modern business which has come to define societies all over the world. While insurance in a form we would recognise today began with the first insurance contract in 1347, methods for transferring and distributing risk in a monetary economy have been observed in China in the third millennia BC.One thing that has defined the insurance sector over thousands of years is its ability to adapt its practices to fit with a changing technological landscape. From contracts written on parchment to websites and big data, the industry has changed rapidly.
Blockchain is the latest technological game changer to enter the picture, and many are predicting that distributed ledgers could have profound effects on the way that insurance companies are able to operate. One important issue that blockchain technology seems tailor made to address is the underlying principle of ‘utmost good faith’ in insurance contracts.This principle states that every party entering into an insurance contract has a legal obligation to act with a standard of “honesty greater than that usually required in most commercial contracts”. This means that the insurer is required to trust that they are being told the truth by the person looking to take out insurance. This differs from other contracts, which are usually based on the principle of ‘let the buyer beware’, or the idea that the buyer assumes the risk that the product may fail to meet their expectations.
Applying blockchain to this issue would mean that both the insurance contract and the consumer’s personal data could be stored on a distributed ledger, with the consumer being in control of who has access. The data remains stored on the user’s personal device and this may eliminate the need for brokers and other intermediaries that have emerged as mediators between insurers and consumers. Not only does blockchain offer the promise of cost reduction and efficiency, but it could also enable revenue growth, as insurers attract new business through higher-quality service.
Blockchain technologies can help the wholesale insurance sector fulfill its role in underpinning the global economy more effectively. Just as blockchain is being pursued as a force for positive change in other areas of society – from identification for refugees to better public service delivery – it can also help wholesale insurance to discharge its responsibilities for the common good.
The KNOX project will be the first insurance company that merges the real world with the digital one using Blockchain technology, creating the most efficient and advanced structure in the sector, to find a solution to the problem of certification and anti-forgery of insurance policies. With the smart contract the spread of false insurance policies is avoided because it is the same system that issues them after receiving the payment. With the smart contract the company won’t have delay in collecting credits, as the policy is issued only after receiving the payment. This factor aims to significantly improve the management of the company itself. With the smart contract in the event of accidents the real judge who will decide whether or not to pay them is no longer the company, which could have an opportunistic behavior, but the blockchain system that, in a totally disinterested by the human opinion, will decide if this accident is compliant with the provisions in the policy. This benefit will be the most important as it will increase the transparency of the company towards customers.
With the smart contract the spread of false insurance policies is avoided because it is the same system that issues them after receiving the payment.With the smart contract the company won’t have delay in collecting credits, as the policy is issued only after receiving the payment. This factor aims to significantly improve the management of the company itself.
With the smart contract in the event of accidents the real judge who will decide whether or not to pay them is no longer the company, which could have an opportunistic behavior, but the blockchain system that, in a totally disinterested by the human opinion, will decide if this accident is compliant with the provisions in the policy. This benefit will be the most important as it will increase the transparency of the company towards customers.
Token Information :
Ticker: INSC
Type: ERC20

Total Supply: 500’000’000 INSC
Tokens for sale: 270’000’000 ISNC
Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 5’000 INSC
Soft Cap: 4’000 ETH
Hard Cap: 39’444 ETH
Unallocated tokens will be burned after the end of the ICO.
Pre-ICO starts: June 23, 2018
Pre-ICO ends: July 7, 2018
‍Pre-sale Price : 1 INSC = 0.0002 ETH
ICO Price: 1 INSC = 0.0002 ETH
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 4000 ETH
Hard cap: 39444 ETH
Bonuses: Up to 30%
ICO starts: July 23, 2018
ICO ends: August 23, 2018
For more information please visit links :


Good afternoon, fellow investors. I want to tell you today about a worthy project . Viewo is a network of sharing videos, which works in the system of remuneration on the basis of the chain. All members of the Viewo network are rewarded for their large or small actions. Awards are given in the form of VEO token Token token of the auxiliary unit, which has a value in the network Viewo, both online and off Viewo. Unlike existing video sharing websites that work on a self-service basis, Viewo works with a custom approach that rewards each user for their actions and encourages both viewers and creators. Viewo is the only advertising network for video sharing that supports and supports a significant number of contemporary artists.
The mаjоr diffеrеnсеѕ bеtwееn Viеwо аnd YоuTubе inсludе (but аrе nоt limited tо) the fоllоwing:
– All раrtiсiраntѕ in thе Viеwо network have the ability tо рrоfit, еvеn when thеу реrfоrm аn асtiоn as simple as wаtсhing a vidео. YouTube dоеѕ nоt offer аnу соmраrаblе reward system.
– The Viewo business mоdеl iѕ tо grow with the соmmunitу rаthеr thаn grоwing bу uѕing thе соmmunitу.
– The Viеwо wеbѕitе economy iѕ bаѕеd оn VEO Tоkеnѕ rather thаn fiаt сurrеnсу.
Cоmраring Viеwо tо YоuTubе сrеаtеѕ a сlеаr picture оf Viеwо’ѕ роtеntiаl grоwth. Mоrеоvеr, Viеwо аnd YouTube will inеvitаblу bе соmраrеd аmоng uѕеrѕ, so it iѕ imроrtаnt fоr uѕ to make thе соmраriѕоn firѕt and bе prepared tо аnѕwеr hоw Viеwо imрrоvеѕ uроn the mоdеl of YouTube.
YouTube Firѕt Yеаr Grоwth
YouTube launched in Aрril 2005; оvеr thе соurѕе оf 6 mоnthѕ, it bесаmе оnе оf thе wоrld’ѕ fastest grоwing ѕitеѕ. At the time it hоѕtеd more thаn 65,000 vidеоѕ, delivered 100 million viеwѕ per dау, аnd rаnkеd аѕ the fifth most рорulаr wеbѕitе in Alеxа. Tоdау, YоuTubе is rаnkеd #2 in Alexa17.
Prоjесtiоnѕ fоr Viеwо’ѕ Firѕt Yеаr Grоwth
Bаѕеd on YоuTubе’ѕ firѕt year growth, thе grоwing popularity of vidео ѕhаring ѕitеѕ, аnd thе inсеntivizеd economy of VEO Tоkеnѕ, we рrеdiсt the Viеwо’ѕ first уеаr grоwth will be extremely ѕignifiсаnt with rеѕресt tо a standard internet ѕtаrt- uр. The numbеr оf uѕеrѕ, uploads, аnd viеwѕ реr day are all expected tо grоw rapidly within thе firѕt year оf Viеwо’ѕ lаunсh.
Additional advantages оf Viewo оvеr YоuTubе inсludе:
Viewo оffеrѕ videos, private content, рrоduсtѕ, аnd MOOCѕ. In fact, Viewo iѕ thе firѕt dеѕtinаtiоn ѕitе tо оffеr a bаlаnсеd соnglоmеrаtiоn of ѕо mаnу dеѕirеd features, аlоng with a clean аnd еаѕу-tо-uѕе GUI (grарhiсаl uѕеr interface).
Viеwо offers rewards in the fоrm of VEO Tоkеnѕ, аnd аt the moment, tоkеnѕ are ѕkуrосkеting in рорulаritу around the world. Moreover, the uѕе of tokens for applications has inсrеаѕеd drаmаtiсаllу in 2017. (Stееmit, lаunсhеd in 2016, a ѕосiаl mеdiа platform thаt uses tokens, iѕ grоwing rарidlу tоdау.)
Viewo has mаѕѕ appeal аnd iѕ tаrgеtеd аt thе mаinѕtrеаm рubliс аѕ wеll аѕ thе token community. Viеwо founders are adamant thаt it’s time tо bring thе uѕе оf utilitу tоkеnѕ tо еvеrуоnе, regardless of their technical рrоwеѕѕ.
The numbеr оf intеrnеt uѕеrѕ hаѕ grown drаmаtiсаllу compared to whеn YouTube launched in 2006. Thiѕ givеѕ Viеwо аn еvеn lаrgеr аudiеnсе, оnе thаt iѕ аlrеаdу enthralled with vidео content.
Viеwо will have moderators whо will mаintаin thе intеgritу оf the site; ѕресifiсаllу, thеу will patrol videos dеѕignаtеd for fаmiliеѕ аnd сhildrеn and rероrt аnу соntеnt that iѕ not appropriate fоr those audiences.
Viеwо fаvоrѕ content curators. Whilе other video networks ѕрlit аdvеrtiѕеr rеvеnuе with thе соntеnt сrеаtоrѕ fоr аdѕ shown оn thеir vidеоѕ, in Viewo, соntеnt creators аrе аlwауѕ compensated, whеthеr thеу have ads оr not.
YоuTubе Grоwth Cоmраrеd tо Viewo’s Prоjесtеd Grоwth
YоuTubе currently has 1.5 billiоn uѕеrѕ whо lоg-in реr mоnth. Thiѕ mеаnѕ thаt аррrоximаtеlу 12.33 уеаrѕ аftеr YоuTubе’ѕ firѕt vidео uрlоаd, wе can саlсulаtе thе average yearly growth rаtе of YоuTubе users: аvеrаgе grоwth реr year for logged in uѕеrѕ/mоnth.
Lеt’ѕ nоw look at Viеwо.
The Viеwо nеtwоrk iѕ bаѕеd on аn economic model thаt еmрhаѕizеѕ uѕеr-bаѕеd grоwth in a muсh broader wау thаn YоuTubе. In contrast tо YouTube, uѕеrѕ whо share соntеnt through encoded links will earn VEO Tokens. Aѕ more реорlе ѕubѕсribе to Viеwо thrоugh еасh ѕhаrеd link, the mоrе tоkеnѕ the sharer еаrnѕ. In thiѕ way, wе givе uѕеrѕ mоrе mоtivаtiоn tо share grеаt соntеnt, which mеаnѕ thаt Viewo’s user-base hаѕ inсrеаѕеd роtеntiаl tо grоw.
Nеw user increase оvеr timе рluѕ the inсrеаѕе оf еаrnеd tоkеnѕ реr week, per uѕеr; will result in mоrе new uѕеrѕ joining Viеwо аnd ѕhаring content. This creates аn еnvirоnmеnt thаt iѕ beneficial to еvеrуоnе.
Prоjесtеd Grоwth – Bоttоm Line
Viewo рrоjесtѕ аn annual uѕеr grоwth rаtе of at lеаѕt 449% per уеаr, bаѕеd on the nаturаl grоwth tасtiс dеѕсribеd аnd depicted above, in which uѕеrѕ share соntеnt, earn VEO Tоkеnѕ, аttrасt new uѕеrѕ, аnd inсrеаѕе рорulаritу of VEO Tоkеnѕ.
MOOC Purроѕе аnd Bеnеfitѕ
Aѕ described briefly in Section 2.8, MOOC iѕ аn acronym fоr massive ореn online соurѕе, and thеѕе hаvе been grоwing ѕtеаdilу in popularity since thеir inсерtiоn in 2006. Pорulаr wеbѕitеѕ include Coursera and Udemy, but еvеn mоѕt Ivy Lеаguе univеrѕitiеѕ оffеr ѕоmе form оf ореn оnlinе соurѕеѕ, including Harvard, Prinсеtоn, and Stаnfоrd20.
Thе gеnеrаl purpose of MOOCs is tо inсrеаѕе ассеѕѕ tо higher еduсаtiоn, reduce соѕtѕ, and reinvigorate tеасhing and learning.
Benefits inсludе:
– Bringing реорlе tоgеthеr frоm аll оvеr thе wоrld tо create a соmmunitу with соmmоn gоаlѕ
– Lеаrning аt thе ѕtudеntѕ’ расе, at their own schedule – Cоurѕеѕ оffеrеd in a vаriеtу оf languages
– Muсh more affordable thаn univеrѕitу
– Nо nееd for a dеgrее оr рrеviоuѕ certification tо ѕign up – Nо diѕtаnсе соnѕtrаintѕ
Viеwо will be one оf thе firѕt wеbѕitеѕ fеаturing a Token-based MOOC system. Mоrеоvеr, MOOCѕ add a value to Viеwо that nо other video sharing platform has; users саn get all thе standard MOOC bеnеfitѕ еnumеrаtеd above, with the additional bеnеfitѕ оf using VEO Tоkеnѕ, whiсh thеу will bе rеwаrdеd аnуwау as асtivе Viеwо users.
Practically speaking, thiѕ means thаt users саn ѕit аnd watch vidеоѕ, аnd then рау for a MOOC with thе VEO Tоkеnѕ еаrnеd fоr something they wоuld have dоnе аnуwау. We аntiсiраtе thаt this орtiоn will create additional intеrеѕt in VEO Tоkеnѕ.
Security iѕ аn intеgrаl раrt оf the Viewo ecosystem. The main аrеаѕ оf ѕесuritу fаll into three саtеgоriеѕ:
Wallet Security – Viеwо Wаllеt iѕ аn HD wаllеt thаt саn ѕtоrе рrivаtе kеуѕ еnсrурtеd оn аnу compatible dеviсе. It uѕеѕ BIP32 аnd BIP39 to gеnеrаtе an HD tree of аddrеѕѕеѕ from a rаndоmlу gеnеrаtеd 12-wоrd seed.
Aссоunt Sесuritу – Viewo will оffеr орtiоnаl 2 Fасtоr Authеntiсаtiоn (2FA) fоr uѕеrѕ who wаnt аn extra layer оf ѕесuritу fоr thеir accounts. 2FA requires a password аnd username, аѕ well аѕ a рiесе of infоrmаtiоn that оnlу the user knows21. Gооglе, Fасеbооk, Twittеr, and mаnу mоrе wеbѕitеѕ оffеrѕ 2FA22. Additiоnаllу, аlgоrithmѕ will be еmрlоуеd to рrеvеnt hackers frоm lаunсhing brute fоrсе attacks23 аnd other wеll-knоwn hасking methodologies tо gаin account ассеѕѕ.
Eсоѕуѕtеm mаniрulаtiоn – Tо thwаrt bad асtоrѕ*, wе hаvе designed clandestine аlgоrithmѕ (whiсh we саnnоt diѕсlоѕе to maintain thе ѕесuritу оf thе ѕуѕtеm) tо рrеvеnt fraudulent асtiоnѕ.
*Bаd асtоrѕ аrе thоѕе whо аttеmрt to create multiple ассоuntѕ, mаniрulаtе ѕhаrеѕ, viеwѕ, соmmеntѕ аnd other асtiоnѕ thаt аrе rewarded оn thе network.
Phуѕiсаl Studiо
Likе Fасеbооk’ѕ Media Space аnd Inѕtаgrаm’ѕ Crеаtiоn Space24, Viеwо will hаvе a рhуѕiсаl studio where tор intеrnеt influеnсеrѕ will gо tо ѕhооt thеir соntеnt. Aѕ thе рорulаritу оf Viеwо grоwѕ, ѕаtеllitе ѕtudiоѕ will bе аddеd glоbаllу as реr influencer demand.
Onсе thе ѕtudiо in Lоѕ Angeles has been prepared аnd iѕ in uѕе, Viеwо саn еxраnd to оffеr studios in other lосаtiоnѕ, likе YоuTubе Sрасе , which оffеrѕ production studios in vаriоuѕ locations аrоund the wоrld.
Viеwо combines the bеѕt аѕресtѕ of vidео sharing, MOOCѕ, аnd tоkеnѕ in a way that dоеѕ nоt сurrеntlу exist оn аnу internet wеbѕitе, аѕ wеll as in a way thаt hаѕ thе potential to surpass YouTube’s рорulаritу. Viewo’s uniԛuе аlgоrithmiс аnd incentivized approach mеаnѕ thаt power liеѕ in thе hаndѕ оf the uѕеrѕ. When uѕеrѕ соmрlеtе any асtiоn within the ѕitе, they are rewarded with VEO Tоkеnѕ, a blockchain-based token thаt will be accessible tо еvеrуоnе, nо matter how tесh-ѕаvvу they аrе. Pаrtiсiраntѕ саn uѕе VEO Tоkеnѕ tо purchase асtuаl рrоduсtѕ, MOOCs, рrivаtе content, inсrеаѕе thеir оwn videos in thе rаnkingѕ, and mоrе.
About ICO
Token: VEO
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 2,000,000,000 VEO
Price: 1 VEO = 0,2 USD
Soft cap: 10,000,000 VEO
Hard cap: 564,062,500 VEO
Quantity: for the sales
Beginning: 10.11.2018
Completion: 11.12.2018
1 week
1 VEO – 0,167 USD
2 weeks
1 VEO – 0,174 USD
3 weeks
1 VEO – 0,182 USD
4 weeks
1 VEO – 0,19 USD
Quantity: 56,000,000 VEO
Beginning: 11.12.2018
Completion: 11.01.2009
More info:

Author  : patungan;u=1733353;sa=summary 

Senin, 30 Juli 2018


About Humbyl
Humbyl Coin (HBL) is the world’s largest cryptocurrency built for a decentralized crypto Fantasy Sports platform with real sports celebrity challenges. It is a decentralized ERC20 Fantasy Sports cryptocurrency built on Ethereum blockchain engaged in creating an online sports predictors community platform with celebrities and other Fantasy Sports players.

It leverages experience and winning chances of players to all Fantasy Sports around the world. Humbyl offers a unique experience to combine cryptocurrency andFantasy Sports with the ability to compete with popular celebrities and athletes.

Humbyl’s platform is built upon privacy with fun, user-friendly and competitive principles in mind.

The Challenge of True Professional Players
Take the opportunity to play and communicate alongside Fantasy Sports players along with Real Professional Athletes at Major Sports

You have the opportunity to play and communicate with other Fantasy Sports players together with real professional athletes in large sports
Current Phase
Humbyl is currently working on developing mobile and web platforms and starting his homework encourage various social media and traditional outlets. Company Ownership / Legal Entity Humbyl Inc. is a Singapore-based company and mobile application company Fantasy Sports operated by c-corp wholly owned by the State based in the Nevada Section.
Humbyl operates from two joint offices to serve as a daily operations headquarters in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. These offices will accommodate staff during business hours and allow Humbyl to engage in business activities. After Beta Test and successful pre-sale, Humbyl will find a permanent location to headquarters in Los Angeles. In addition to, Humbyl’s subsidiary Fantasy Sports plans to rent a commercial office with a conference room and front office to conduct internal meetings and clients.
Hours of Operation
Humbyl operates from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Monday through Saturday.
Humbyl offers HBL holders a mobile and web app Fantasy Sports where they are able to compete with fellow HBL holders as well as celebrities / athletes. While Fantasy Sports mobile app is free to download, Humbyl’s the network will have a per-contest service fee to process a lot contest in mobile app. While HBL will be converted into Credits used in the game, there is no fee for this conversation. Humbyl offers websites and mobile app platforms possible Fantasy Sports Players to compete and communicate with each other. Humbyl processes all contests on the Fantasy Sports mobile app with cost 5% of each special contest. Humbyl processes all contests with celebrities and athletes on Fantasy Mobile sports app at a cost of 8% of each contest pot. Mobile websites and apps offer widgets like profiles photos, private messages to fellow fantasy sports players, (like social media apps in today’s era) choose history and savings to the credit of professional players.
Humbyl will have a total token supply of 1 billion Humbyl coins (HBL). 400 million (40% of total token supply) HBL will be distributed and available during public Pre-Sale and ICO Token Generation Events. The remaining HBL will be distributed according to the Coin Distribution listed below.
Start date
Monday, May 21, 2018, 10:30 PM (PDT)
End Date
Friday, August 31, 2018, 11:59 pm (PDT)
Start the exchange rate
1 ETH = 2,678 HBL
Final exchange rate
1 ETH = 1,339 HBL
Number of coins to sell
400,000 HBL (40% of Total Supply)
Minimum transaction amount
0.068 ETH

for information Humbyl in bellow :

Libro blanco:

Author : patungan;u=1733353;sa=summary

Kamis, 19 Juli 2018


Football sports is one of the fastest growing sports activity with billions of Euros running daily according to current global statistics, due to the high level of enthusiasm people derive from it. It has equally improved the status of big footballers as they are paid weekly with entitlement fee as match allowance for every game they play. Although we have over 200 amateur football academy scattered around most countries of the world with a plethora of challenges in bringing up the inherent skills and potentials of this youngsters ones,(the young footballers) and these challenges are; poverty, rural location, lack of sponsorship, proper orientation, exposure into world class football pitch etc. which has affected their hopes for a better opportunity as future football stars. Guess what? NETSCOUTERS PLATFORM is an opportunity to see out to the above challenges with a remedial measure to rebrand, enlarge and create an equal opportunity for everyone in becoming a football legend, devoid of your race, religion, continental location, etc.
1. Lack of funds: finance is referred to as the life blood of any organization, therefore no organization can survive neither can it work effectively without funds to run the day to day activities of the organization and that is a major problem constraining most small football clubs all over the world as they are unable to maintain their stadium to enable viewers, the inability to pay their coaches, players and workers, thereby making the game uninteresting and full of discomfort.
2. Lack of sponsorship: in low publicity of these clubs has often not intrigue the interest of investors because of the low economic viability or worth of the club to earn them publicity, this is as a result of the inability of these mushroom clubs to have a TV station to attract subscribers or viewers.
3. Social background: the social background of most skillful players has constrained them from getting in contact with these rich and high profiled agents or managers of these mega clubs and most disheartening; some of them die with their talents and without fulfilling their dreams.
4. Environmental Factor: the geographical location of most countries of the world, that is; some countries that are found far away from these big world clubs are usually disadvantaged due to the inability to travel from these developing nations like Africa to Europe has imposed a lot of difficulties in coming in contact with agents and managers of these gigantic football club.

How to rate an ICO
These are the main components you should look into when deciding whether or not to part with your hard earned money!
1. Team:
“Behind every great man is a great woman..” — a saying we have been accustomed to hearing over the years, and is full of truth!
With any idea or project, the analogy is exactly the same; it is extremely unlikely that you will have a successful project/ICO if the team behind it is not great.
Deciding if a team is great or not, is quite a subjective view, but here are a few pointers to help make it more objective:
– Does the team member have any real previous experience that is relevant to the project? I.e. if it is an ICO who’s USP is data analytics on the Blockchain, does the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) or COO (Chief Operating Officer) have experience working for a well-known company as a data analyst, or if they are building their own Blockchain, do they have enough developers?
– Does the team have a good balance?
I have seen some teams who have a plethora of experience within the corporate world and have worked for companies like IBM; Mercedes; KPMG; but they are launching their own protocol and only have one developer. The likelihood that they will be able to launch their product is highly unlikely.
The other side of the coin is that you could have a very young team, fresh out of university with lots of ideas but just not industry ready. Do you write off this ICO? Of course not! The exuberance of youth is raw and untamed, and with the right set of advisors (guidance) they may just be the next Ethereum!
2. Idea
Great teams tend to get behind great ideas, so if you have researched the team and they are solid, rest assured, the idea will be solid as well.
In the majority of cases, we look at the idea before we look at the team. Whilst most established ICOs have a marketing team that can sell ice to an eskimo, you have to be able to wade your way through the fancy terminology (BS!) and get and understanding of what the project is actually doing. The more the number of yes answers you have, the more likely the project will succeed (in the short term at the very least).
3. MVP
The number of ICOs being released weekly is crazy, and there certainly isn’t enough time for you to go through each one (unless you have a very large team working with you). Therefore, another way that can help identify an ICO with good potential is if it has a minimum viable product, an MVP. To those unfamiliar with the term, an MVP is a product with enough features to satisfy the initial investors, and provide feedback for future development.
With this in mind, it is much more likely that a team with an MVP can reach the milestones on their roadmap quicker and thus launch a fully functioning product sooner. This in turn means the native token to that platform will be in use and the price will go up based on actual demand, not hype or manipulation by whales. It is not always the case that only projects with MVPs turn out to be profitable. Those with a solid community or established partners can also have the same desired effect {we will revisit this later in the article}.
4. Token Metrics
Whilst each of these factors has an equal importance, they are in order for a reason (there is a method to my madness); we started with the most subjective section and worked our way to the most objective section. Being a mathematician by trade, this is the section that I personally most enjoy researching and seeing if a project is worth investing in purely through the numbers.
As with any project within this space, decentralization must also occur by having many different investors and supporters holding the majority of the tokens. As time has progressed in this space, token metrics to the standard investor have gotten a little interesting to say the least!
With earlier projects there were only 3 main rounds: Seed round, private sale/pre-ICO and then ICO, where the bonus percentage was consistent for each round. Unfortunately this is no longer the case, with many ICOs opting to go for more complex fundraising structures to maximize funds raised and minimize bonuses given out. There are now at least 4 different stages, and within each stage, there are bonuses depending on the amount to be invested.
This makes it extremely difficult to work out the bonus for each round of fund raising and increases the likelihood of a ‘Pump and Dump’ from early contributors as soon as the token is released to an exchange.

Other factors:
A large community doesn’t always mean an awesome investment, there are projects with over 30k members in their Telegram channel, most of whom have heard a project mentioned by an influencer and flocked to see how they can make millions without doing their due diligence.
Having said that, if a community has organically grown and hasn’t need heavy marketing; advertising or shilling from an influencer, than a large number is a good number.
Not all successful projects have a large community at ICO stage. There have been a few ICOs in stealth mode, who have relied heavily on early contributors and genuine believers in the project, instead of those looking for a quick flip.
With over 5 Billion USD raised in 2018 through ICOs, many people are seeing this as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme and are launching ICOs very similar to established projects whose tokens have gone up at least 100 times in value.
If a project is a copy paste or extremely similar with no distinct differences to a different/more established project, be careful!
If a project doesn’t have any serious competition, pay more attention and do your due diligence.
Type of Project
There are many types of projects ranging from those who want to build a Dapp on top of a Blockchain, to those wanting to build Blockchains themselves.
Think of it like this: would you rather invest in the app store itself, or one of the apps within that store? Of course the app store!
That is why it is a smarter investment to look at projects that are building an infrastructure (Blockchain, Protocol, DAO) as opposed to an app.
Also, some established Blockchains have some issues like scaling, security, etc. These would also be smart investments as they are solving a ‘now’ problem.
Projects who have genuinepartnerships with established companies/cryptocurrencies are more likely to become successful as many of the communities will adopt this project and invest in it, as they believe in the companies that have chosen to partner with a specific ICO. This could be because of hype (see below) or a specific partnership causing a breakout in the price and usage of that specific token.
Every now and again comes along a project, which takes the cryptoverse by storm. Main reasons are down to wide spread exposure of the project by different influencers; the project solves an actual problem and people believe that it will take them “to the moon”.
It is true that hyped projects do really well once the tokens hit the exchange and give many of the early investorsa good return, the same cannot always be said for those who invested during the crowd sale, or bought as soon the token was released onto an exchange.
Therefore, Hype is always good if you got in early, as with the bonus you will most likely make a handsome return. In addition to this, many of the influencers are like shepherds; moving the masses to believe that a specific project will shake up the space and they would be crazy not to miss out, causing the token to be over valued as soon as it’s released on the exchange as their followers have increased levels of FOMO (fear of missing out).
I hope this article has given you a better understanding of just how much time and effort is needed to analyze the true potential of an ICO, and that when you are investing your hard earned money, you need to be more careful and not go in gung ho because the people/influencers you follow on YouTube and around social media have said it’s an amazing project or given it a very high rating.
The solution is to come up with your own rating structure; it could be a percentage, a total out of 10, or just a list of pros and cons of each project. DYOR (do your own research) and invest at your own peril!
Money is there to made, but just for those who work hard and do the correct due diligence (or sometimes just damn lucky!).
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author : thuyent;u=1760856;sa=summary