Rabu, 30 Mei 2018



Fluzcoin team will provide integration framework and ready-made extensions to be integrated with popular eCommerce platforms such as Magento, Hybris, Salesforce Commerce Cloud (ex-DemandWare), Shopify, BigCommerce, PrestaShop, WooCommerce and other.
There can be two types of integrations owing to blockchain nature of the coin – first, traditional, centralised like a PayPal or other crypto currency extensions, which centrally store merchants funds after receiving them from consumers and then can move or exchange them into other assets on merchant’s request.

Fluzcoin POS payment flow

Consumer is equipped with free app that is Fluzcoin wallet as well as additional features, for example tracking of free coins distributed to Fluzcoin holders, search of nearby stores accepting Fluzcoin and providing special deal redeemable for Fluzcoin only.
A merchant is displaying the total amount of the cart on a conventional cash-desk screen along with conversion into Fluzcoin amount.
Payment invitation is presented by a scannable QR code, which might be unique for each transaction (or come from a pool of reusable addresses).
A user acceptance of the payment is embedded into scanning action – once the QR code is scanned, transaction is fired.

Fluzcoin, patent pending intelligent retail currency

  • Pump & Dump resilient retail coin
  • Non-speculative by design
  • Algorithmic market interventions
The Fluzcoin artificial intelligence (AI) stabilization algorithm will constantly adjust to deliver a smooth appreciation path, thus eliminating speculative volatility that so much affects cryptocurrencies and deters confidence in these.
Through machine learning algorithms, coin bond issuances and Fluzcoin holder dividends, Fluzcoin aims to provide the confidence needed for wide acceptance as a medium of exchange and furthermore, a store of value.

Privacy enabling algorithm protecting purchase history

Blockchains are transparent, but retail coin users want their purchase history hidden, while enabling blockchain transparency for their balance of coins.
Fluzcoin builds on SNARK algorithm allowing to store proof of transaction without exposing the transaction itself.

Proof of concept is LIVE! A retail platform coin is rising

Proof of Concept is LIVE – the system is built on Hyperledger Fabric and able to uphold daily transactions of up to 1,000,000,000 retail customers wordwide.
Further research and blockchain technology advancement will increase this figure to bring retail coin to the global market.


Based on prior launch experiences the team feels comfortable with the following time line


Executive Team
STEFAN KRAUTWALD Commercial Director
DAVID ROSENBLATT Corporate Development Director
ANTONS SAPRIKO IT Director | Scandiweb CEO
GLEBS VREVSKY Marketing Director
ULDIS BAUMERTS Product Coordinator
AIGARS PAVLOVICS Head of Operations


Raghavendra Srinivasan
Florian Burkart
Ruchika Kumar


Andreas Antrup Council Member
Vikram Nagrani Council Member
José Abbo Council Member
Karl Karlsson Council Member


Maurice Harary
Lars Rydström
Keith Teare
Karl Karlsson
Anil Benard-Dende
José Ruiz
Dr. Sebastian Fourné
David Adelman
Isaac Levy
Alberto Tarazi


Author : Patungan

Senin, 28 Mei 2018




Zeto menyediakan jawaban SaaS berbasis cloud untuk industri di dunia dunia. Dengan ZetoChain, pengecer makanan, restoran, dan organisasi di seluruh dunia akan menyadari bahwa makanan yang mereka lakukan adalah kualitas tertinggi. Juga, mereka akan memiliki informasi untuk menghapus kualitas, yang dapat mereka berikan kepada klien, pembuat, dan semua pertemuan yang mengandung unsur-unsur kasar. 
Klien akan memiliki kapasitas untuk menggunakan ponsel mereka untuk memfilter nama pada daging, produk susu, atau apa pun yang mereka inginkan. Mereka kemudian akan dapat menggunakan barang-barang ke arahnya untuk melihat itu, diangkut, dan disimpan dalam memori terlindung selama siklus hidup.

Strategi untuk kebutuhan dan kebutuhan, dan itu mempengaruhi kepastian klien. Buat percakapan dan kompresi setelah kerumitan di kantor mereka, tetapi data yang mereka dapatkan tentang proses pengiriman sebelum titik itu adalah yang kedua, dan dapat diandalkan. Jika ada masalah kotoran atau pemerasan yang muncul, pengecer dapat melakukannya dengan bebas untuk mencoba mencari alasan, dan tidak dapat memastikan untuk mempertahankan masalah yang sama.

Permintaan konsumen untuk makanan dan minuman tumbuh setiap tahun. Dengan pertumbuhan populasi dan tingkat pendapatan penduduk pada tahun 2050, angka ini akan meningkat sebesar 60% lagi. Faktor ini mempengaruhi rantai pasokan makanan yang kompleks dan terfragmentasi dengan sejumlah besar pemain bepergian dari jarak jauh. Pengecer makanan bertanggung jawab atas kualitas produk yang ditawarkan dan kepatuhan mereka terhadap standar. Namun, mereka tidak tahu bagaimana produk ditangani. Hal ini membuat mereka rentan dan tidak dapat melindungi diri dari risiko kontaminasi dengan makanan.

Apa itu zetoChain?


Zeto adalah perusahaan perangkat lunak yang memberikan solusi untuk keamanan pangan bagi pengecer global. Pelanggan kami mencakup beberapa merek dagang dan pendingin terbesar di dunia. Saat ini, kami meluncurkan rantai suplai makanan global yang terukur, yang bergerak di Blockchain. Zeto menyediakan solusi SaaS berbasis cloud untuk industri pendinginan komersial global. Kami menggunakan analisis data besar-besaran dan teknologi IoT untuk menyediakan platform penyimpanan cerdas bagi pelanggan kami yang menghemat uang dengan meningkatkan efisiensi dan pemantauan serta pelaporan suhu HACCP yang independen dan otomatis. Platform IoT kami digunakan oleh sejumlah besar merek ritel di seluruh dunia. Tetapi tuntutan mereka telah berubah. Mereka ingin melacak produk segar dalam transparansi rantai dingin dan ingin menerima dan mempertahankan kepercayaan pelanggan, memastikan keamanan produk, terutama pada semua tahap rantai dingin. Dengan munculnya teknologi block-chain, Zeto dapat memenuhi kebutuhan ini. Pelanggan kami dapat mengelola seluruh rantai dingin dari platform rantai blok baru, ZetoChain.

Zeto berusaha menjaga keamanan pangan dengan menggunakan teknologi terbaru. Terlepas dari teknologi rantai blok baru, kami telah bekerja selama bertahun-tahun dalam perdagangan eceran produk makanan. Kami menyadari kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh pengecer dan memahami rantai dingin. Dan kami sudah memiliki platform yang membentuk basis ZetoChain. Kami menggunakan teknologi baru yang kuat ini untuk memberikan solusi komprehensif yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi, mengurangi biaya, melindungi branding dan memastikan transparansi lengkap untuk rantai dingin. Platform IoT kami digunakan oleh merek ritel besar di seluruh dunia. Tetapi kebutuhannya telah berubah. Mereka menginginkan transparansi lebih dalam rantai dingin, keterlacakan yang lebih besar dari produk segar mereka dan, di atas semua itu, mereka ingin terus mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pelanggan mereka, memastikan bahwa produk mereka tetap aman di setiap rantai dingin.

Industri dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan. Minat dalam makanan meningkat. Sementara itu, persaingan tumbuh, dengan toko-toko umum untuk harga di pasar. Ini berarti bahwa ujung-ujungnya lebih ketat di lain waktu, dan jika toko harus mempertahankan dan mengembangkan manfaat, mereka harus memahami keadaan fleksibilitas dan kemahiran luar biasa dalam setiap aspek bisnis mereka. Pengecer makanan berada di bawah yang berbeda yang menghasilkan lebih besar daripada inventaris fleksibel dan inventaris jaringan mereka. Itu berasal dari pengontrol, tetapi juga dari pelanggan yang semakin sadar akan kualitas, makanan, dan makanan yang mereka beli dan makan. Inovasi Blockchain akan mengubah cara kita bekerja bersama. Zeto karena sekarang memiliki kaki yang kuat untuk bisnis dan baik untuk membatasi inovasi yang efektif ini. ZetoChain akan mereformasi bisnis dengan menyediakan tanggung jawab tak terputus untuk setiap item dari pengawasan pabrik ke rak toko umum.

Pelanggan dapat menggunakan ponsel mereka untuk memindai label untuk daging, produk susu atau produk lain yang ingin mereka beli atau konsumsi. Mereka kemudian dapat melacak produk ke sumber untuk memastikan bahwa produk telah diproses, diangkut dan disimpan dalam lingkungan yang aman selama siklus hidupnya.

Zeto sedang mencoba menggunakan kemajuan teknologi terbaru untuk menjaga keamanan pangan. Teknologi Blockchain masih baru, tetapi kami telah bekerja selama bertahun-tahun di industri makanan eceran. Kami tahu apa yang dihadapi pengecer. Kami memahami rantai dingin. Dan kami sudah memiliki platform, yang akan menjadi dasar ZetoChain. Kami memiliki kapasitas untuk menggunakan teknologi baru yang kuat ini dan memberikan solusi komprehensif untuk pengecer yang membantu mereka meningkatkan efisiensi, menghemat uang, melindungi merek mereka dan memastikan transparansi penuh rantai dingin mereka.

Teknologi. Tim Zeto memiliki banyak pengalaman menjual makanan. Kemampuan ini memungkinkan penerapan teknologi pemblokiran dalam sistem yang ada. Zeto memahami bahwa pengecer saat ini membutuhkan solusi cerdas yang memungkinkan penggunaan teknologi canggih untuk mengurangi biaya dan risiko terkait. Tidak diragukan lagi, peran utama dalam memecahkan masalah menggunakan teknologi cerdas dimainkan dengan meningkatkan keuntungan dan memperkuat reputasi merek.

Zeto mengusulkan untuk memperkenalkan SaaS (perangkat lunak sebagai layanan) teknologi untuk industri pendinginan komersial global. Zeto menggunakan analisis data dan teknologi IoT (Internet of things) untuk mengelola ekosistem platform cerdas ZetoChain untuk mengontrol peralatan pendingin, Di ICO, yang diterbitkan oleh ZetoChain, tawaran itu datang dalam bentuk penjualan token untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Dalam penjelasan yang diberikan oleh ZetoChain, mekanisme token dari mana mereka dikeluarkan harus diterapkan setelah penawaran itu terjadi. Token ZetoChain memiliki nama token ZETO. Pada awal token mereka diumumkan bahwa penjualan akan dilakukan pada 9 Juli 2018 - 31 Juli 2018.

Ada beberapa informasi lebih lanjut tentang pasar ZETO. Sejauh ini, token publik ZetoChain untuk publik adalah 340 juta token ZETO, sementara dalam periode penjualan, jumlah yang disediakan hanya 150 juta token. Pada tahap preselling, token yang diusulkan jauh lebih kecil, dengan 24,7 juta token. ZetoChain percaya bahwa penawaran mereka dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan kebutuhan berbagai investor.

Sementara itu, ada penjualan khusus dan dana cadangan yang diterima melalui penjualan token. ZetoChain melaporkan bahwa sebagian dari hasil penjualan akan dikirim ke ZetoChain untuk mengembangkan proyek atau platform. Sementara itu, semua token dalam persediaan akan dijual secara eksklusif kepada investor swasta. Nilai penjualan token ZETO dikirim ke ZetoChain dalam rasio 1:10, yang berarti bahwa setiap 1 pembeli dolar AS akan menerima 10 token ZETO.

 Detail penjualan penanda ZetoTokens:Date of sale: from 9 to 31 July
 Jenis Token: Ethereum ERC20
Metode aplikasi: ETH
Jumlah total token: 340 juta ZetoTokens
Dijual untuk dijual: 150 juta ZetoTokens
Dialokasikan untuk pra-penjualan: 40,8 juta ZetoTokens
Hadiah Hadiah: 8,5 juta. ZetoTokens
Untuk investor swasta: 24,7 juta ZetoTokens
Dicadangkan untuk Zeto: 116 juta.
Harga ZetoTokens: $ 1/10 Token

Dan berikut kesimpulannya adalah :
proyek ini sangat menjanjikan. Ide proyek ini sederhana dan transparan. Tim proyek terdiri dari 20 anggota, pendiri dan pengembang, termasuk 5 penasihat. Tim itu sendiri berpengalaman, spesialis dari segmen TI dan dari sektor logistik dan pasokan makanan diwakili. Tentu saja, proyek itu tidak secara spontan terlahir, dokumentasi proyek yang dipersiapkan dengan baik, situs informasi berwarna-warni dengan grafis dan informasi tekstual, studi statistik terperinci, dan data yang disajikan. Sampai saat ini, proyek tersebut memiliki pesaing, tetapi teknologi yang ditawarkan oleh Zeto, tidak memiliki analog. Industri seperti pergerakan barang memiliki arus kas besar, tetapi motivasi utama untuk kegiatan yang sukses adalah berorientasi pelanggan dan kualitas barang.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:

Penulis : dwikie


Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Apollochain is a clean energy trading platform based on smart contracts

Apollochain will build a smart grid-based clean energy trading platform that will allow all users to participate in power plant investments and power deals at flexible prices through three types of transactional platforms and Three pricing mechanisms.

APOLLOCHAIN ​​deploys Blockchain 3.0 technology to establish a unique energy trading platform that targets all non-navigational and retail energy markets around the world with basic users who may be machines. power generation, wholesale, retail, institutional or individual consumer electricity, to realize direct electricity trade between them.

Our goal is to make power consumption not boring and to spend more: you can play with it on our platform through commercial / crowd / real time sales . We will start with solar energy first, so family members and even some institutional players can easily get involved in this fun ecosystem.

In the future, we also have a variety of plans for power consumption that will enable participants to invest in shared electronic chargers and UAVs built on their premises and earn steady profits. from the public as well as express or logistics companies.

Electric Power Rеfоrm

Elесtriсitу mаrkеt worldwide in general hаѕ 4 ореrаtiоn mоdеѕ: monopoly, power- buуing, whоlеѕаlе соmреtitiоn, аnd rеtаil соmреtitiоn 2. At this moment, еlесtriсitу mаrkеtѕ in most соuntriеѕ аrе ѕtill in monopoly аnd power-buying mоdе. Bеlоw wе illuѕtrаtе еасh mоdе in dеtаil viа structure diagrams.

Mоnороlу Mode

The vеrу firѕt operation mоdе of the еlесtriсitу market is monopoly in 2 forms: vertical intеgrаtiоn (mеаning gеnеrаtiоn, trаnѕmiѕѕiоn, distribution аnd ѕuррlу аrе аll mоnороliѕеd) and ѕераrаting diѕtributiоn.

Power-Buying Mode

In this mоdе, mоnороlу is раrtiаllу сrасkеd down, and individuаl роwеr generator ѕtаrtѕ ассеѕѕing thiѕ mаrkеt, but thе оrgаniѕаtiоn in whiсh hаѕ еlесtriсitу whоlеѕаlе dоminаtеѕ the power grid thеrеbу роwеr gеnеrаtоrѕ аrе nоt сараblе tо dirесtlу sell еlесtriсitу tо еnd uѕеrѕ.

Whоlеѕаlе Cоmреtitiоn Mоdе

Pоwеr grid is nо lоngеr monopolised by a ѕресifiс electricity whоlеѕаlе раrtу but bringѕ other providers intо thе соmреtitiоn under thiѕ mode, thеrеfоrе nо more centralised рubliс роwеr рrоvidеr thаt uѕеd tо еxiѕt.

APOLLOCHAIN dерlоуѕ Blосkсhаin 3.0 technology to ѕеt uр its unique energy trаding platform, аiming at аll the deregulated аnd rеtаil-оriеntеd еnеrgу markets аll оvеr the world with the fundamental users whо could bе gеnеrаtоrѕ, wholesalers, rеtаilеrѕ, inѕtitutiоnаl оr individual еlесtriсitу соnѕumеrѕ, tо rеаliѕе dirесt еlесtriсitу trade аmоngѕt thеm.

Our tаrgеt iѕ mаking еlесtriсitу соnѕumрtiоn not boring аnd reserved any mоrе: you саn рlау with it оn our рlаtfоrm via electricity rеаl-timе trаdе/сrоwd-funding/рrе-ѕаlе. We will ѕtаrt frоm the solar energy first, so hоuѕеhоldѕ раrtiсiраntѕ and еvеn some inѕtitutiоnаl рlауеrѕ соuld еаѕilу join in thiѕ fun есоѕуѕtеm.

In the futurе, wе also plan to divеrѕе thе еlесtriсitу соnѕumрtiоn ѕidе, mаkе оur participants bеing аblе to invest ѕhаrеd electronic vеhiсlе сhаrging рilеѕ and UAV charging stations build in their own рlасе, аnd еаrn ѕtаblе rеturnѕ from thе рubliс as well as the еxрrеѕѕ оr logistic соmраniеѕ.

Fоr mоrе bасkgrоund knоwlеdgе оf оur project, we kindlу ask уоu to сhесk оur official wеbѕitе where you соuld dоwnlоаd оur Business Whitе Pареr: httр://www.ароllосhаin.iо/

1 Launch Evеnt

Vеrу honoured and рlеаѕеd being a mеmbеr оf the Skусоin fаmilу, APOLLOCHAIN fоrtunаtеlу hаѕ a 5~10mins intrоduсtiоn рrеѕеntаtiоn аt Skусоin’ѕ Launch Cоnfеrеnсе 2018, hоlding on thе 10th оf Aрril 2018 аt Hiltоn Shаnghаi. It will аlѕо be thе vеrу first time APOLLOCHAIN presents itѕеlf in public:

Hope we could ѕее уоu guys there аnd can’t wаit tо say Hi tо еvеrуоnе!

2 Prоjесt Prоgrеѕѕ

Here wе wоuld likе tо ѕhаrе some оf оur ѕignifiсаnt project updates:

APOLLOCHAIN hаѕ signed 3 ѕtrаtеgiс cooperation mеmоѕ with оur buѕinеѕѕ раrtnеrѕ in Auѕtrаliа, India, and Singароrе.

Fеw соnfidеntiаl соntеntѕ аrе concealed

Smart Pоwеr Mеtrе 1.0 Dеmо is undеr fаbriсаtiоn — it will be released оn the dау оf thе Launch Conference

Smаrt Pоwеr Mеtrе 2.0 соvеr dеѕign work has already started аѕ wеll аѕ itѕ initial draft:

We are wоrking оn thе plan оf оrgаniѕing a PRE-ICO fоr expanding оur tеаm, соrе device R&D wоrk, аnd pilot рrоjесt соnѕtruсtiоn. The еntirе scheme iѕ gоing tо соmрlеtе, and wе will аnnоunсе аll thе details in our telegram: t.me/apollochaingroup

Thе Tесhniсаl White Paper iѕ undеr роliѕhing, and we are completing the buѕinеѕѕ mоdеl and tесhnоlоgу dеmоnѕtrаtiоn соntеnt

Wе hаvе аlrеаdу finished the рrераrаtiоn wоrk fоr this Lаunсh Conference with Skусоin. Alѕо wе will keep everyone posted in time with our nеw рrоgrеѕѕеѕ аnd uрdаtеѕ.

Apollochain will build a smart grid-based clean energy trading platform that will allow all users to participate in power plant investments and power deals at flexible prices through three types of transactional platforms and Three pricing mechanisms.

APOLLOCHAIN ​​deploys Blockchain 3.0 technology to establish a unique energy trading platform that targets all non-navigational and retail energy markets around the world with basic users who may be machines. power generation, wholesale, retail, institutional or individual consumer electricity, to realize direct electricity trade between them.

Our goal is to make power consumption not boring and to spend more: you can play with it on our platform through commercial / crowd / real time sales . We will start with solar energy first, so family members and even some institutional players can easily get involved in this fun ecosystem.

In the future, we also have a variety of plans for power consumption that will enable participants to invest in shared electronic chargers and UAVs built on their premises and earn steady profits. from the public as well as express or logistics companies.

What value can Apollochain produce?

Based on Apollochain, users can participate in all aspects of clean energy investment, construction, manufacturing, transportation, sales and consumption, so that they can share the dividends of the development of the industry. clean energy industry.
Users can predict investment income of power plants and participate in investment and construction by participating in mobilizing capital from the community;
Users can use smart meters to understand their family's electricity consumption and their electricity usage forecasts;
Users can build their own power plants and buy all the materials needed to build power plants on the ground and sell electricity on the Apollochain platform;
Users can install smart clock and buy power on the Apollochain platform;
Users can benefit from automatic payments and charging by charging piles through Apollochain
Users can benefit from automatic payments and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) charging via Apollochain
ApolloChain as an immediate go-between
ClaenBy 2017, international electricity generated by new energy has occupied nearly 50% of total power plants. Most countries ar funding clean energy to deal with carbon emissions , and therefore the sun is more and more vital. round the undeveloped $ 5.300 billion Market shows a awfully exciting future.
PrivateSmart contracts with multiple cryptography mechanisms defend the ability shoppers from malicious knowledgeassortment or info felony. offensive one, unassailable powerhouse for all networks due to a distributed package, decentralized structure, and blockchain 3.0 technology. the knowledge is well guaranted similarlybecause the security is greatly promoted.
EconomicThe price of alternative energy plants has ablated more thanks to competition among makers of equipment 18% measurable international energy cost reductions (LCOE) ar accomplished in 2016 throughout 2015. Meanwhile, the worth of electricity for electrical phenomenon (PV) power is comparable to traditional, Higher PV fight means that sustained investment decline.
Future Five-Year arrange.2018
Complete the sensible meter techniqueLaunch the primary Microgrid Project in AustraliaAccess PV station information and begin APP Testing2019Install the sensible meter pilottake a look at transactions for Microgrid comesLaunch Phoebus Energy mercantilism Platform and accomplish the primary electrical transactions on the mainet between PV powerhouse homeowners and electricity customers.2020enlargement and development of APIon-line Business Reseller unitbegin carbon mercantilism pilot program2021Promotion of Microgrid project wide in Republic of Indonesia Australia and geographical region regionGlobally build electricity retail networkBroad-based governmental power-side demand management in areas wherever Phoebus has presence and operation2022accomplish period residential power transactions within the international wholesale marketDevelop energy unit charging heap & UAV charging airdrome with AI technology and hook up with Apollochain.
5 tоkеnѕ for rewarding community:
release in thе firѕt 5 уеаrѕ whilе in thе lаttеr 5 уеаrѕ tо thе соntributоrѕ whо kеер реrfесting Aроllосhаin’ѕ undеrlуing technologies;
mоnthlу release in еԛuаl аmоunt аnd will bе аllосаtеd bу соntributiоn;
5 tоkеnѕ diѕtributеd to miners maintain Apollo ѕуѕtеm:
а. Dаilу release in equal аmоunt within 20 уеаrѕ
15 tokens tо PR & Mаrkеting for рrоmоting Aроllосhаin:
а. Grаduаllу рut in сirсulаtiоn within nеxt 5 – 10 уеаrѕ;
30 tоkеnѕ to thе founding tеаm аnd based on inѕtаllеd сарасitу growth;
Onсе the inѕtаllеd capacity оf роwеr station rеасhеѕ оf the еѕtimаtеd mаximum сарасitу:
а. Founding team (with APL bеing locked) саn triggеr thе condition оf unlocking;

TOKEN(APL)Design Philosophy
Aроllосhаin hаѕ itѕ own token Aроllо Coin(APL)as thе еlесtrоniс proof оf electricity trаnѕасtiоnѕ. Itѕ сirсulаtiоn ԛuаntitу hаѕ positive соrrеlаtiоn with еlесtriсitу ԛuаntitу thаt iѕ аvаilаblе for trаdе.
Thеrеfоrе, the iѕѕuаnсе lоgiс оf APL iѕ: оnсе Aроllосhаin’ѕ роwеr generating сарасitу (роwеr station inѕtаllеd capacity) rеасhеѕ a сеrtаin lеvеl, nеw APL will bе рutting into circulation for mееting trаnѕасtiоn dеmаnd. In оthеr words, APL iѕ gоing tо be grаduаllу unlocked аnd put in сirсulаtiоn with the inсrеаѕing inѕtаllеd сарасitу.
APL moreover has designed a mесhаniѕm tо buffеr аnd rеvеrѕе itѕ dерrесiаtiоn in thе ѕесоndаrу market: in аdditiоn tо trаdе оn the Exchange, APL can also bе traded on Aроllосhаin fоr mаking еlесtriсitу ѕроt & forward trаnѕасtiоnѕ. Whеn рriсе drор on the ѕесоndаrу market, Apollochain’s еlесtriсitу buyers will be inсlinеd tо оbtаin аnd hold APL in еxсhаngе оf electricity at lower price, еѕресiаllу whеn APL’ѕ рriсе iѕ even lоwеr thаn thе electricity рriсе of рubliс grid thus an еvidеnt space fоr аrbitrаgе еxitѕ.
Accordingly, electricity buуеrѕ will not only rаiѕе APL’ѕ рurсhаѕе dеmаnd on thе Exсhаngе, but they will hоld thеir APL until thе best timе оf buуing еlесtriсitу, whiсh diminiѕhеѕ APL’ѕ ѕuррlу in thе secondary mаrkеt аnd ѕtаblеѕ itѕ рriсе.
Release, Reward, аnd Unlосk
100,000,000 APL tokens have bееn created аnd the tоtаl аmоunt оf tоkеnѕ will bе allocated аѕ follows:
40 tokens diѕtributеd tо bring in рrivаtе fundѕ оr ICO, аnd ѕесоndаrу finаnсing will bе considered if thе 1st round did nоt reach thе tаrgеt;
will bе allocated by contributions;
mоnthlу released аmоunt саnnоt еxсееdѕ оf the total circulation;
For more information, please visit links below
Whitepaper: https://downloads.apollochain.io/docs/WhitePaper(Technical+Version)-v2.0.4-5th+May.pdf

Author : patungan

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Zealeum - Building the world's leading cryptography for the health and wellness industry.

The mission of the Zealeum platform will be to create, store and constantly update the digital profile of all users, which will include metadata and data will define a complete picture of each user in terms of identity, health and fitness. This will translate into a valuable asset in the growing global data market, a comprehensive profile of an individual participating in a global ecosystem.

Potential segments for the success of the platform will be health insurance companies, health care providers, physicians, fitness coaches, nutritionists and many other participants who will benefit positively from the ecosystem that will lead the Zealeum project. .

Zealeum Token (ZEAL) will have the ERC20 standard that will encourage participation in the Zealeum ecosystem and reward users of the platform through the Zealeum portfolio reward mechanism. With Token Zeal, everyone can receive cryptomania rewards for doing activities
how to reach your goals, visit some health services or attraction wellness areas in your area, trade on the platform.

Zeal will aim to serve as a unit of account on this blockchain-based platform where health, product and wellness services can be purchased, will also give users full control over their data. With this token, platform users will be able to package and sell their data to companies or fitness professionals wishing to view or exploit this data.

In the Zealeum line, keeping users in full control, they will define their own privacy rights and choose the information they will share. They will be alerted of requests for your data whenever there is interest from third parties. The Zealeum platform and the Zeal Token will be together
a global market for health, product, service and wellness data; The purpose of this project is to allow the individual to control not only his information, but also his health.

Zealeum will allow its users to create a health profile that can include medical records, manually entered data, data collected from wearables and other data tracking applications. Such a health profile will be very useful for a variety of situations, examples: when a user wants to get a diagnosis, buy insurance products, receive personalized exercise plans, personalized diet plans and so on .

Participants in the Zealeum ecosystem include:


- Those who follow health data to monitor chronic diseases;
- Those who follow their health and well-being goals;
- Those who document and plan meals;
- Those who are interested in taking control of their health care.

My account

- Fitness trainers who wish to offer packages to individuals based on their fitness profile and well-being;
- Nutritionists offering services, including personalized meal plans, based on specific users such as profile and features;
- Lifestyle shirts and other lifestyle gurus who design custom packages according to the needs of their consumers.

Food & Beverage Outlets

- Fitness centers that will reward users with the Zeal token in exchange for visits and / or purchase of products or services from their establishments.

- Establishments or establishments offering massage services, martial arts classes or therapies;

- Insurers who provide insurance to clients based on their medical records and health profile.

Big Data Buyers

- At the heart of the Zealeum platform will be stored health data generated and controlled by the user.
Following the approval of the persons, this information
will be analyzed, aggregated and carefully packaged to Big Data buyers to fund new developments and initiatives on the platform.

The Zealeum ecosystem will be powered by people who want to lead a healthier life, professionals and institutions wanting to provide the desired services and products by individuals and Zeal Tokens will reward individuals for their participation in the network.

The Zealeum Portfolio will serve as a gateway to the community, allowing a user to create their profile and connect to their preferred health and fitness tracking app. The individual data collected via the Zealeum portfolio will be accessible to its user and can be viewed or shared with permission in the blockchain.

The Zeal token can be seen as the gas that will fuel the health and wellness market and reward programs on the Zealeum platform. With the Zeal token, third parties can access privileged user data by sending ZEAL to a selected presumed user and giving them time to analyze and accept the request.

ITO and Token Sale

The Zealeum Token’s initital token offering will support the continued development and expansion of the Zealeum Platform and its many protocols and functionalities.

Token Offering Overview

Blockchain: Ethereum

Token Name: Zeal Token

Token: ZEAL

Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 ZEAL

Available to Public: 600,000,000 ZEAL

Hard Cap: $50,000,000 USD

Soft Cap: $5,000,000 USD

A total of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) ZEAL will be pre-mined during the initial token generation event. Of the 1

ICO will be officially launched on 04/12/2018 and its validity will last until 01/07/2018.

Website: https://zealeum.life/

White Paper: https://zealeum.life/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/zealeaum_white_paper_mar26.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zealeum/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_zealeum

Telegram: https://t.me/zealeum

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhrXir0cz5EpGiTvwpGfxA/featured

Author : Patungan

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018




Zeto provides cloud-based SaaS answers for industry in the world world. With ZetoChain, food retailers, restaurants and organizations around the world will realize that the food they do is of the highest quality. Also, they will have the information to remove the quality, which they can provide to clients, makers, and all meetings that contain harsh elements. Clients will have the capacity to use their phones to filter names on meat, dairy products, or whatever they want. They will then be able to use the items in his direction to see that, transported, and stored in shielded memory over the lifecycle. 
Strategy for needs and needs, and that affects the client's certainty. Create conversations and compression after the hassle in their office, but the data they get about the shipping process before that point is second, and reliable. If there is a problem of dirt or blackmail that comes up, retailers can do it freely to try to find an excuse, and can not be sure to maintain similar issues.

Food retailing is profitable if the industry is at risk: demand for food continues to rise, new restaurants, supermarkets and open markets. According to Zeto (Ireland) corporate data, due to faulty storage and fraud, the global food industry loses 10 to 15 billion dollars annually. Is modern technology capable of bringing in fresh food customers and providing security to market members?

IT Zeto Company offers a complicated system for secure storage, fast transportation and successful purchase of goods. In the platform base, IoT technology (Internet of Things, sensor systems) analyzes the external conditions of production, packaging, and food delivery from factory to customer table. Data is recorded in Blockchain: if the meat is thawed because the voltage drop, the producer, the retailer, and the customer will know it.

What is ZetoChain?

The developer's main idea is the constant tracking of production, packaging, transportation and food sales procedures. The ZetoChain app is designed for manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. The adaptive platform is suitable for supply chains in restaurant, retail, manufacturing, packaging and food delivery.


ZetoChain Settings:
The ZetoChain setting will count the malicious items from the result through to the compilation point reaching the retailer. Each member in the trip network will run as a connection in the chain and the information will be composed into blockchain. Any member who wants to provide or read information from a blockchain will charge for equipment and related fees. Resellers will pay the required fees for each product they have in ZetoChain.

According to Whitepaper, the program is tailored to the five major "links" in the supply chain:  

  •  Producer. ZetoChain notes the condition and storage age of raw materials in blockchain sending real-time notification when items are ready to ship. Farmers, factories, and plant owners distribute equipment loads, optimizing delivery times of shipment.     
  • Transporter. The product transportation conditions are established with the help of sensors, mounted on trucks, carts or containers. The transport company arranges the delivery schedule by considering the shelf life of each product.    
  • Wholesalers. The maximum storage temperature and maximum delivery time offered to warehouse owners simplifies product rotation.     Retailers / General restaurant owners. Monitoring the condition and storage life continues, ZetoChain sends the owner notification in case of failure.     
  • Consumer. Visitors to cafes and restaurants, customers at the supermarket can scan product barcodes and get all the information about manufacturers, transporters, and wholesalers. Blockchain does not allow editing of records in the system, so all information will be reliable.
Technically, for customers, ZetoChain is like tracking packages in regular apps like "Pochta Rossii" (Russian Post) or AliExpress. Versions for manufacturers are similar to security panels: some indicators are on a computer monitor or smartphone screen.


ICO Detail ZetoChain
ZetoToken will be an important part of our public blockchain product, and will create value for all ZetoTokens holders by generating a token request in a dynamic marketplace.
Sales Duration: 9 - 31 July
Token Type: Ethereum ERC20
Purchase Method: ETH
Total Token Supply: 340M ZETOTokens
Crowd sale Supply: 150M ZETOTokens
Pre-Sales: 40.8M ZETOTokens
Bounty: 8.5M ZETOTokens
Private Investor: 24.7 million ZETOTokens
Reserved for Zeto: 116M ZETOTokens
Price: $ 1/10 Token

Tokens are distributed in the following proportions:
  1. 44% ZETO will be sold during ICO.
  2. 34% will be a backup for future Zeto platform development.
  3. 12% token will be sold during Pre-sale (starting 30 April 2018).
  4. 7.5% token is intended for the first investor of the project.
  5. 2.5% ZETO will be spent on Bounty program.

AUTHOR : Patungan